

As we follow through on 《全民科学素质纲要》and seek to do...

提升公众营养健康知识:Improve public understanding of nutrition and wellness

全民科学素质纲要:Program on scientific literacy for all

全民:... for all

As we follow through on 《全民科学素质纲要》and seek to improve public understanding of nutrition and wellness, we haveimplement to outreach campaigns to improve public literacy about 粮油, issued relevantliteracy publications, organized relevant photo shows and on site

Q&S sessions



技能培训:skills development

Our public literacy endeavors coupled withskills development efforts have been well received/wildly recognized/won wideacclaims.



When an iceberg is born, the sound islike thunder. The impact shoots water hundreds of feet into the air and waveslap gently against your ship.


You relish every moment, marveling as thesights and sounds of calving glaciers thrill you again and again. That’s thelure of enchanting Glacier bay, where the most astounding naturalforces take center stage.



Marvel at sth:对……叹为观止







以……为指导 be guided by/follow a path to

中海油怎么着:at 中海油,we do sth


科学发展观 scientific Outlook of development

双赢:win-win development


诚信:integrity/good faith/honesty

关爱:caring practice

In everything we do 垫小词

Make efforts 必须加时态,work/think/tryto do,可以接一般现在时


We work to achieve balanced growth,

发展壮大:grow and thrive

We seek to grow and thrive by doing

Through 也表示通过,但后头只加名词

Strive to do也用在一般现在时中=look to do/seekto do/try to do

We strive to do sth...

科技领先we try to stay ahead


We identify and pursue opportunities inways that(in order to)

能源公司 energy producer supplier→拟人化

价值观:values 复数!

give prominence to:重视

Economic opportunities for all:实现共同发展=promotecommon development

We will spread economic opportunities toall:促进人们共同发展

We aim to be recognized as integratedenergy producer that delivers long term value credibility and satisfaction to …

经营理念:ways to deliver on commitments

关注和满足人的需求:caring employee

尊重:recognize and respect the potential of each and every employee

提升人的素质:→提高员工技能make training opportunities available

Make sth available=provide

技能培训:skills development

发挥人的能力=人尽其才:bring out the best in all

保障权益:secure due rights and interests

+Of a motivated workforce

+that stand ready to be part of oursuccessful story


Be in a better position to do :在某方面有优势/weare better positioned to do

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